UNICO latest piece at GCS

Our classic Santa F’n Ana design just came out on windbreaker jackets. These stylish, light weight coaches jackets are a staple all year round. Never too heavy for those warm summer days that turn into cool summer nights. Come through and get yours while they last at GCS.
shout out to ABEL GEE for passing by the shop and busting a few quick pieces in front of the shop.
this piece by ALTO was painted in front of GCS for the My Buffer Wall art show a few art walks back.
folks lining up deep to buy paint before the lockdown hit. the coronavirus ain’t no joke. stay safe out there.
The artist XCES painted this piece for a Natanael Cano music video. “Amor Tumbado” can be seen on Youtube. Great song. Always something cool happening with the art in front of our shop. Painted with MONTANA 94’s.
Stop by GCS Clothing Store and Art Gallery to stock up on MTN Street Paint Dabbers and Markers. Wide selection and great place to shop, come by anytime!
Join us March 14th at GCS Clothing Store and Art Gallery in Santa Ana for a breaking and popping battle for cash prize. Hosted and sponsored by G Force Entertainment, this event is free and all ages to attend. Starts at 3pm sharp and goes until 7pm. If you’d like to battle, make sure you are here close to 3pm. Call us for more info 714 541 0300
Here’s a sticker we made for all the hometown heroes out there. Rep your city! Get one here at the shop while they last.
Dec 4th, 2019- GCS hosted our good friend Turtle as he brought out Oscar Goldman and Ersatz Plynter for a middle of the week jam. Modest show, we can’t wait to bring these dudes out again.
DEC 2019- We come across many great artists, musicians and other creatives here at GCS. They’re all getting it done in their own right, making the world a better place with their efforts. We meet #MYHOODISGOOD team on a Tuesday and by Thursday night, they were leaving a mark on the downtown community. These guys were passing through Santa Ana on their trip from St. Petersburg and after talking with them, GCS helped them secure wall space so they can share their art with us. Located on the Bush St. side of 4th St. Market, their portrait of the native american chief Sitting Bull stands tall, almost taking up the entire side of the building. It was a treat to see them paint. With surgical precision, they got the job done in 2 days and less than 12 cans. I wish more local artists could have seen them at work, it never hurts to watch artists create. Here are a few photos we grabbed while @1m5orry was painting. Stop by and take a look for yourself.
Home sweet home… GCS Clothing Store and Art Gallery. Located in the heart of Downtown Santa Ana. Doing our best to bring the best products, artists and events to the community. Are doors are always open to new and returning clients and friends. Stop by and see what’s new. GCS 206 E. 4th St, Unit B Santa Ana, CA 92701 @gcssantaana
Dec 7th, 2019- Chronic Avenger came through with his first #MYBUFFERWALL art show. He’s started this project of making miniature walls for artists to bust some graffiti on. The show was a success, tons of folks came through for the opening. Here are some photos from the night, enjoy.
Oct 4th, 2019- Big ups to Carnage The Executioner for having time on his tour to stop by GCS and rock a free show for us. We’re lucky to have some great MCs come through to support him that night. One of the best in store performances we’ve had the honor of hosting ever at GCS Santa Ana. What a great performer and humble guy. We can’t wait to see him out here again.
Nov 2, 2019- GCS had the honor of hosting another installment of our “Bringing Out The Dead” art show during the Nov art walk. We were fortunate to have hang art from some long time friends as well as some new comers to our gallery. Every year, November art walk is the biggest and best attended art walk. It was great to see everyone that came out that night. Here are some photos we caught that day, enjoy.
More images to come.. art will stay up all month.
July 27th, 2019- We had the honor of hosting a solo art show for our long time friend KENOS ONE. This show included a few classic paintings from KENOS but the majority of the art were new works recently completed for this show. The featured piece was his ode to hip hop, an original painting, KENOS even had a chance to make limited edition tees for the show. Make sure to follow this guy, he has a lot more art to create.
May 19th, 2019- GCS was excited for the opportunity to host an old school hip hop and drum and bass music event with our friends from Concrete Jungle LA. The turn out for a Sunday afternoon was great. Weather was nice, and the Dj’s, MCs and artists painting live outside did not disappoint. Here are some images we captured from that day, enjoy.
Haven’t posted on the blog lately. Here are some images that have been floating around our social media pages.