GROG at GCS Santa Ana

grog_gcsGCS always tries to bring you the best products out there. We proudly introduce GROG to our clients. We’ll carry a variety of their  markers, drippers and mops, GROG is heavy duty tools and media for your heavy duty messages. So whether its the FMP (full metal paint), BPI (buff proof ink) or XFP (xtra flow paint), come in and try one for yourself…  but be careful, you may get hooked.

Cypress Hill at The Observatory Dec 2013

Smoke_7Dec 27th, 2013- Today we look back on a great night at The Observatory. B Real and Sen Dog a.k.a. Cypress Hill blessed the stage on this friday night  in Santa Ana. The perfect show for the holiday season, who doesn’t like to get in sane in the membrane between christmas and new years. Here are some photos we captured during the night.sendog_cypresshill_santaana



Continue reading Cypress Hill at The Observatory Dec 2013

Pre-Holiday Art Show and In store July 3rd, 2015

Art_gcs_kenos_oneJULY 3rd, 2015- To commemorate the Independence holiday, we decided to throw an art show and in store to start the weekend off right. The 4th is the kind of holiday that no one wants to work and neither did we. We were very fortunate to get a great line up going for the night which featured the art work of Susie Cue and Tanya Rose. Music for the evening was provided by Os One, Vision and Mando the Dj a.k.a. G.I.A.N.T.S. Music, Okira Myth and Dulok Shaman of GRIZZLY STATE. Also, NAMEK and Josiah Deadflowers of Chamber Records. Backing up the whole night was DJ AB, Real and Deejay Great Daine. Live painting for the night done by Nick Macaulay a.k.a. NMAC and KENOS ONE. Enjoy some pictures from the night…. and as always, more to come. Dulok_shaman_gcs



Continue reading Pre-Holiday Art Show and In store July 3rd, 2015