Tag Archives: BOISE

“Bringing Out The Dead” art show 2015

kimGCS would like to thank every single soul that blessed us with their presence this art walk. Your spirit is what keeps us going. Here are some of the sights from the gallery. Enjoy.egads



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“Bringing Out The Dead” Art Show Nov ’12

Bringing_out_the_dead_art_show_gcs_dtsa_16Nov 3rd, 2012. The November art walk was always one of the biggest art walks of the year. Coinciding with the “Noche De Altares” event on 4th st., it was a perfect choice to launch our day of the dead themed art show. GCS always enjoyed the challenge of curating a themed group art show. And this one was one of our favorites. We took a break from the theme this last november but look out for “Bringing Out The Dead” art show to return in ’15.Bringing_out_the_dead_art_show_gcs_dtsa


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